Magnetic resonance applications in food analysis

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food analysis

Food analysis is a diverse and interdisciplinary field of research with significant health, social and economic impact. It aims to characterize food products as chemical composition, manipulation, security, quality, sensory perception, and nutritional values. The food analysis approach is used by industry, government/control agencies, and academic communities.

The molecular organization of a food product is generally very complex and depends on several factors, including genetic and geographical growth. Including environmental/climatic conditions, types of agriculture, mode of reproduction and processing, and the presence of adulterants or contaminants.

As a result, the outline of the global chemical structure and/or analysis of individual compounds and their relevance to food quality, authenticity, and other virtues could be challenging. In general, there are no complete methods for analyzing various food components in all products and are generally complementary to each other for analysis of present analytical methods of food verification.

For this reason, the development of more robust and cost-effective analytical tools and high accuracy is a continuous research effort to increase our capabilities to rapidly analyze food and with high accuracy. The most common analytical methods for food quality assessment are mass spectra or gas chromatography.

Calcium electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry (ms) coupled with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In addition to these molecular analysis methods, other systems of biological origin, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent ASCII (ELISA), are widely used for feeding. NMR is a technique based on the magnetic properties of many atomic nuclei, and it is an emerging method for analyzing foods such as complex mixtures.

In a typical NMR experiment, a sample of spin-atom magnetization consisting of an NMR active nucleus and a strong field located inside the NMR magnet is energized by using radiofrequency pulses and produced by radiofrequency pulses while balancing it. NMR is a non – destructive analytical method that can set and quantify many compounds simultaneously and is characterized by high fertility. This can be applied to samples of all stages of the substance, although most food applications include liquids and solids and are a precise and versatile quantitative tool under carefully chosen experimental conditions.

The most significant disadvantage of NMR in food analysis is its relatively low sensitivity. The susceptibility of the experiment depends mainly on the type of NMR prob and magnetic field strength, the nature of the investigation (nucleus, pulse sequence, acquired parameters), and sample, and these factors also affect the spectrum solution. N food that applies on it. M comes to R lay. More information about the principles of spectroscopy can be obtained from here.

The most common nucleus studied in hydrogen food analysis. Representatives of beverages, fruits, vegetables, dairy (14), and meat production applications include food certification, quality control, production monitoring/improvement, and sensory evaluation. Liquid state n M comes R lay Ideal for analysis of small and medium-sized molecules and thus applications are for the determination of lipids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, and other general food materials.

However, more research is needed to improve our capabilities for mixed identification and quantification. Studies of large molecules like polysaccharides SCN can also be done using the fluid state, although there are several challenges. In such cases, the solute state NMR can remove the boundaries associated with samples of delimitation or solubility.

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